Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Take a Peek into The Snow Queen's Warbrobe

When creating a new production such as The Snow Queen, something that Ballet Theatre UK prides its self on is its ability to design and create a full set of brand new costumes. Christopher Moore, artistic director, leads the team of costumes designers and makers to produce over 80 costumes and headdresses each season, giving each production not only a new fresh vibe but also the wow factor.

I caught up with one of the design team as they came to see the production at Swansea;

"...this season has been enjoyable from the start to finish to design and make. Chris had a strong vision of how he wanted the show to look, which was a great inspiration...a great highlight for me was when the lights came up in the snow palace, seeing the snow maidens glitter and sparkle and hearing the children gasp in amazement, it was beautiful..." 
Here are some images taken from the dressing rooms, at the Floral Pavilion in New Brighton to give you and insight of the costumes for the production.

Top: Glimpse at the Snow Maidens Tutu's
Above: Selection of costumes for some of the female dancers.
Left: Selection of Mens Villagers Jackets
Bottom: Selection of headdress for male characters. (Reindeer, Wolves and Raven)

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