Friday 16 December 2011

Last Chance to See BTUK's 'The Snow Queen'!
There are now only 9 performances left to see Ballet Theatre UK's production of The Snow Queen. The production was a new piece created this year by Artistic Director, Christopher Moore. Since the beginning of the tour the company have performed across the country and the feedback, comments and reviews have been wonderful. So don't miss out on the chance to see this original piece of classical ballet.

"glittering costumes...expressive dancers...a pleasure to witness a production of this calibre" 

        -  Dance Europe Magazine              

Arlington Arts Centre, Newbury - Tel: 01635 244246

Fri 16th Dec at 7.30pm
Sat 17th Dec at 2.30pm and 7.30pm
Sun 18th Dec at 2.00pm and 5.30pm

Wyeside Arts Centre, Builth Wells - Tel: 01982 552555 

Mon 19th Dec at 7.30pm

Tues 20th Dec at 7.45pm
Wed 21st Dec at 2.00pm and 7.45pm
Follow the links above for online booking or simply call the box office for tickets.
For more information visit the BTUK official website

Saturday 10 December 2011

Meet Another Member of the Company...

As the company prepare for another sell out show tonight, at The Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, Taunton, take this opportunity to get to know a bit more about another company dancer;

Aimee-Louise Cordeaux (Aimee Higgs)
Company Dancer

Born: Southend on Sea, Essex
Trained: Royal Ballet School

First year with BTUK

When did you first start dancing and why?
I first started dancing at the age of two (almost before i could walk) and i did so because my mum also used to dance and sought naturally for me to do the same. 

Have you had any performance nightmares?
Interestingly yes i have had one fairly recently during ‘The Snow Queen’ tour. In cast two i have a quick change into the gypsy girl costume. I somehow managed to put the wig on sideways with the fringe of the wig round the back of my head. To make matters worse, i had minimal grips holding it on. However i didn’t realise that i had made a costume error until i got on stage to find my fellow cast members laughing rather hysterically at my unfortunate mishap. As if i wasn’t struggling enough to hold it together, the wig decided to do a 360degree rotation on my head during a pirouette resulting in me having no choice but to frantically hold onto it! An amusing scenario for all.

What is your pre-show routine?
Before a show i typically do my hair and make-up –quite quickly in most people’s opinion. I then select a suitable pair of pointe shoes depending on what i am dancing in that particular cast and finally i make sure my ankles are feeling very warm as i suffer quite a lot in that department.

What was your favourite place to visit and why?
My favourite place to perform so far has been Tunbridge wells because also it was a raked stage which i personally really don’t like, it was in fact the stage where did my first ballet solo aged four so that was quite surreal for me.


What do you do on your days off from the tour?
I always need to rest a lot when i get the chance to, to prevent any injuries. So sleeping, watching t.v, shopping is always good and of course spending time with family, friends and all the important people in my life!

How do you feel about touring life?
Moving from place to place can be adventurous and exciting which keeps you on the ball and the performances fresh but obviously it’s tiring spending time travelling and not always easy to live out of a suitcase!

Aimee is one of three company dancers that dance the role of 'The Snow Queen'. She will be performing the title role next at the Kenton Theatre, Henley-on-Thames at 2.30pm

For ticket information, or online booking, for the performance at the Kenton Theatre follow the link below;

Kenton Theatre, Henley-on-Thames
Tel:01491 575698

For other other venues on the tour, follow the link to the main website;

Monday 5 December 2011

BTUK's Artistic Director To Lecture at 'The Curve'

Ballet Theatre UK's Artistic Director, Christopher Moore, will be giving a lecture this Thursday (8th December) at The Curve Theatre in Leicester.

He will be giving a presentation on touring classical dance within the UK, and the 'pros and cons' of building a ballet company from scratch. The lecture is presented on behalf of the 'Creative Leicestershire Performing Arts Network'.

To find out more about 'Creative Leicestershire Performing Arts Network' or to reserve your seats follow the link below;

Above : Artistic Director, Christopher Moore
Left: The Cureve Theatre, Leicester

Friday 2 December 2011

This Weekends Dates and Venues Plus
More Photos Backstage of 'The Snow Queen'

The company have a busy weekend ahead of them with five performances over three venues. For ticket information or online booking, follow the links below;

The Leatherhead Theatre Surrey - 2nd Dec 2011 at 7.30pm
Tel: 01372 365141

The Lights, Andover - 3rd Dec 2011 at 2.30pm and 7.30pm
Tel: 01264 368368
Gulbenkian Theatre, Canterbury - 4th Dec 2011 at 2.30pm and 7.30pm
Tel: 01227 769075

For more images from the show, information and venues in your area visit our website

Top left: Julia Davies as Gerda (with female dancers as 'The Flower Lady' and 'The Flowers')
Top Right: Claire Corruble as Gerda and Natalie Cawte as The Snow Queen (with male dancers as 'The Wolves').
Bottom Left: Natalie Cawte as The Snow Queen and Vincent Cabort as Kay.
Bottom Right: Claire Corruble as Gerda and and Vincent Cabort as Kay.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Time Out with the Cast of 'The Snow Queen'

Ballet Theatre UK are about to start their third month of the tour and are now giving you the chance to get to know more about the members of the company. We will be highlighting each member of the company, both dancers and crew, to give you a glimpse into their life with Ballet Theatre UK.

Jessica Hill
Company Dancer

Born: Reading, Berkshire
Trained: Tring Park School of Performing Arts

Second Year with BTUK

Q1: What made you want to dance in a mid-scale company?  
A1: Being in a mid-scale company gives you the opportunity to dance roles which you wouldn’t necessarily get a chance to if you were in a larger company. It’s also like being in a family, as we all grow really close over the season.

Q2: Have you had any audition nightmares?  
A2: Last year I was off dance for around 4 weeks with a nasty virus but wanted to go to an audition for a job in a ballet company. Throughout the audition I saw myself getting paler and paler in the mirror and because I hadn’t danced in 4 weeks I was really off my leg and felt like I could barely stand without swaying. Let’s just say I didn’t get the job and wish I had told them I was ill and therefore missed the audition rather than embarrass myself!

Q3: Which roles in 'The Snow Queen' don’t you perform that you would like to?  
A3: I would love to have a chance to dance the princess in Act 2 because I think this is such a fun role to do especially with all the acting and the plate of cakes. She’s such a spoilt character and we always have a giggle when on stage whether you are playing a lady in waiting, the raven or Gerda this is always a fun scene to dance.

Q4: Which performance did you enjoy the most and why?  
A4: The performance that I have enjoyed the most this season has been the Exeter show because it was such a challenge dancing on a T shaped stage. The back of the stage was a small square and then in front of this was a long stretch of floor making up the front of the stage. We had to spend time re-blocking the show, due to the iregualar shape of the stage, but it went down a storm with the audiance!

Q5: What do you normally do when you are back at home?  
A5: I’ve been permanently living out of a suitcase recently because I’m in the middle of a house move with which there have been a lot of problems, causing my parents and me to live with my nana who was kind enough to take us in. Therefore on my days off I have manicures and go shopping as I will admit I am a bit of a shopaholic. But, very soon we will be into our new home just in time for Christmas.

Q6: Do you have any problems sleeping in a different hotel each night?  
A6: Luckily for me I find it easy sleeping anywhere. When we are on tour we spend each night in a different hotel but after the shows my body is always so exhausted I normally fall asleep within 10 minutes of getting into bed. Whenever we are travelling on the tour bus I have found various positions, some comfy and some not quite so comfy, which I fall asleep again in. Then, if there is a sofa at the theatre a sleep in between shows is always enjoyable. So it’s safe to say I’m definitely not sleep deprived on tour.

Jessica will next be performing in The Snow Queen on Friday 2nd of December at The Leatherhead Theatre, Surrey, where Jessica will feature as a soloist in Act1 pas de Trois.